Opening Hours: Mon - Sat : 10.00 AM - 02.00 PM and 04.00 PM - 08.00 PM, Sunday Closed


Are you hesitant of smiling infront of others? Do you alwaysthink your smile is not perfect?When you look in mirror do you feel confident or there is something in your smile which makes you conscious. Do You have any Idea what would be best Dental Treatment to make your smile beautiful again?

If it is so then A Smile Makeover is not as difficult thing to achieve as many people might think. Even simple &easy treatments can improve the appearance of a smile with the widely available cosmetic dentistry technology in today’s Digital Era.

DSD is a distinct dental treatment planning tool that increases a dentist’s diagnostic vision, predictability, and communication with patients. A treatment plan is completely based on a thorough analysis of the patient’s dental and facial proportions. Through the use of videos, photographs, and temporary mock-ups, DSD providers can get a better sense of the relationship between the lips, gums, and teeth, as well as how they work together to create the patient’s smile.

Looking For an Affordable SMILE MAKEOVER TREATMENT

Agarwal Dental Clinic provides you world class smile makeover services with the latest advanced technologies and Equipments in Ahmedabad Shahibaug & Satellite. A smile makeover is a customized combination of a wide range of dental treatments to enhance & beautify your smile mainly anterior teeth.

Smile Makeover Can Treat Below Problems

Misaligned crowded teeth

Misaligned crowded teeth/crooked/Fractured teeth/ Chipped teeth

Gaps between teeth

Gaps between teeth(spacing)

missing teeth

Missing Teeth

yellow teeth

Yellow/Brownish/stained/pitted/rough teeth

Gummy smile

Gummy smile

jagged teeth

Improper length, width & shape of teeth

black gums

Black/dark gums

Various Dental Procedures

Digital smile design is the process of improving the appearance of Smile through various dental procedures.

Dental Veneers

Veneers are wafer-thin, customized lab made shells thatcovers anterior the surface of teeth. The tooth-colored shells bond to your teeth and change their length, size, color, shape, function as you desired. Veneers are a cosmetic dental treatment because they are elective and placed for aesthetic reasons. It offers a conservative approach as a minimum tooth structure is removed.

There are two types of veneers: porcelain and resin-based composite. There are two types of veneers: porcelain and resin-based composite.

Composite Bonding / Composite veneers

Composite veneers are usually easier to replace if broken or damaged than porcelain veneers.Composite veneers are usually easier to replace if broken or damaged than porcelain veneers.Composite bonding is a procedure in which a tooth – colored resin is applied to tooth surface & hardened with special light. Ultimately it improves a person’s smile.

It is an easiest and least expansive among of all cosmetic dental procedures. Bonding can repair chipped or cracked teeth, close gaps, change the shape of teeth or be used as a cosmetic alternative to silver amalgam fillings.

Teeth Whitening / Bleaching

Who doesn’t like a bright smile? An assortment ofteeth whitening systems is available, including toothpastes, rinses, over the counter gels, strips and trays and whitening agent called bleaching.Bleaching or teeth whitening is a procedure which involves lightening of the color of a tooth through the application of a chemical agent to oxidize the organic pigmentation in the tooth.

Teeth Whitening is among the most popular cosmetic dental procedures because it can greatly improve how your teeth look. Teeth Whitening is not a one-time procedure. It will need to be repeated from time to time if you want to maintain the brighter color.We ADC provide chair side as well as home bleaching options for the patients who are willing to get teeth whitening treatment in Ahmedabad. We are standard of quality care has been taken care of by using latest technology and instruments.

If you feel conscious when you smile because of discolored teeth, we have the solution to lighten and brighten your smile through laser and various other options.

We at agarwal dental have latest dental technology, safe products, cosmetic dental specialist that aims to render best quality teeth whitening treatment in Ahmadabad to our patients. We offer teeth bleaching treatments in Ahmadabad, which are safe and can effectively brighten your smile sooner than you think! You could walk out of our clinic with a glowing new confidence.

Dental Implants

We plan long-lasting permanent treatment solutions using dental implants to repair lost teeth and gaps, helping to rebuild your confidence, chewing ability and overall look of your smile.

Dental implants are medical devices surgically implanted into the jaw to restore a person’s ability to chew or their appearance. They provide support for artificial teeth, such as crowns, bridges, or dentures.

As well as changing the way your teeth feel, dental implants also completely transform the appearance of your teeth. Implants are colour matched and designed to blend in with your surrounding teeth, giving you fantastic results and a beautiful smile to match giving.

Dental Braces/ Aligners

Dental braces and aligners are an orthodontic treatment option that assists in straightening crooked teeth to give you a confident smile. It performs a variety of functions apart from cosmetic benefits. They are essential in safeguarding long-term dental and physical health.

Braces and aligners not only improve the appearance of your smile and bite but also makes it easier to clean your teeth, prevent teeth grinding and abrasion, rectify jaw problems and promote efficient chewing.

Some of the primary reasons for getting braces are:

  • Straightening overcrowded or crooked teeth
  • Rectifying excessive spacing between teeth
  • Correcting a misaligned bite- Overbite or Under bite
  • Improving speech impairment
  • Reducing risk of tooth decay and gum diseases
  • If crooked teeth are left untreated, it could lead to various other problems in addition to aesthetic concerns such as tooth decay, headaches, gum diseases and speaking, biting & chewing problems.

Gum Reshaping

Gums that cover a large portion of the teeth, often a result of genetics, may result in a smile that looks unbalanced. Gum contouring reshapes the surrounding tissue, which can cause an uneven or “gummy” smile.

This condition may also be a side effect of certain prescription drugs or inflamed gum tissue. Patients are more susceptible to infection, which could lead to gingivitis or tooth loss. As such, gum contouring may be essential to your oral health, beyond the cosmetic factors.